cover love: winter town

Honestly, if it weren’t for the other lovely bloggers that I stalk talk to on a regular basis, I wouldn’t be so inspired to post approximately 30% of my Cover Love posts. Oh, sure, browsing Goodreads, publishers’ sites and author blogs is extremely helpful. But my fellow bloggers, when their powers combine, are like a visual encyclopedia of covers for my eyeballs to ogle. And this little doozy below is no exception. (Thanks FYA!)

I’ll be frank, when I first saw the cover, I let out one of those Bieber fangirl squeals (where your voice gets all high-pitched) and shrieked, “Hole punches! The snow is made out of hole punches!” Contrary to my behavior on Twitter, I had not eaten a whole pound of chocolate nor consumed an unhealthy amount of caffeine, either. I just like to freak out over the creative components of covers, that’s all.

Creativity aside, Winter Town reminds me a lot of Craig Thompson’s Blankets (which, as my first GN, I absolutely loved).

Looking at its face, I can’t help but think that there’s something hopeful about the story within Winter Town. I love the rich shade of blue, and if I’m looking at it correctly, the subtle gradient closest to the snow. The falling snow resembles twinkling lights in the night sky, and forgive me for laying on the cheese but…it feels magical.

But my absolute favorite element is the play between two and three dimensions on this cover. There’s something pretty awesome about a cover that makes you do a double take. In fact, I’d frame and hang this on my wall to add to my (currently non-existent) museum of cover art in a heartbeat.

I know that Winter Town and Blankets are two completely different stories, but after getting my heart ripped in half while reading the emotional roller coaster that is Blankets, if Winter Town is anywhere within the vicinity of that ride, consider me first in line.

For a few other peeks at the inside of the novel, be sure to visit Emond’s post about the cover here.

22 thoughts on “cover love: winter town

  1. I was wondering when you were going to post about this one! Hole punches!!! My friend and I made an animation once where the rain was made of different colored hole punches and it was pure magic – as is this cover.

  2. Um, yes! I saw this on FYA too and LOVED it! I can’t wait for it to come out so I can see the cover in person. It’s unlikely, but it would be incredible if the pile of snow at the bottom was raised so there was a tactile element to the cover. I read Emond’s first book, Happyface, because of another post I saw about Wintertown so now I’m ready for Wintertown to come out. Only 6 months to go! 🙂

  3. OH MY GOODNESS. Those ARE hole punch snowflakes! Holy shizz. I have so much love for this cover. Don’t even care what it’s about.

  4. I always love a good winter cover when I’m basking in summer warmth. Both books sound great. And I absolutely love the hole punch snowflakes! So whimsical!

  5. The hole punches are great and the color is even better! Now this is off topic but I think you should check out the cover of Across the Universe by Beth Revis. I fell in love with the cover and when I read the book it was even more awesome. (I don’t want to give it back to the library (:)

    • I should mention that the only thing that anoys the heck out of me on this cover is her tooth! Why! Why! You should have edited it out [designer’s name which i’ve forgotten]!

        • Well really just the one tooth that you can see. It seems so obvious to me because I think it’s the difference between a really epically awesome cover and the great cover it actually is. But maybe I’m just pickey. 🙂

  6. Love the whole punches too! I love that this cover design only uses white and blue and look so simple but manages to be amazing at the same time.

  7. So excited for this one, but that’s because I’m a big Emond fan. He calls me his fan club president, LOL. But yes, I LOVE this cover. So much. I also did that double take when I saw that the snow on the ground are hole punches. So cool.

    I have yet to read Blankets! I see copies of that everywhere here but it’s a little over my budget so I can’t justify the splurge. I’m still in line to borrow this from my friend, heee. 😀

    • I originally heard about Happyface from you, lady! I am hoping to be a part of the Emond fan club. =)

      You MUST read Blankets! I was emotionally exhausted after reading it, but it was so good. And when you do, email me and let me know what you think!

  8. I got this book at BEA and sat and stared at the cover for FOREVES! Love that the snow is made out of hole punches as I am partial to anything related to office supplies.

  9. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday: Wintertown by Steve Emond | One More Page

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